samedi 6 juillet 2013

The Pintester Movement v 2.0

Hi everyone!

I am very happy to participate to that Pintester Movement v 2.0.

This time, the instructions were the same, except you have to try a pin Sonja Foust (THE Pintester!) already tried.

So, I decided to try the DIY Candle Design, because that's the only one I felt in the mood to do!

Here is the original post with the instructions: A Girl in Paradise Blog

Here is the Pintester's post:

And here is MY version! I had everything except the candle so I went to find one but I didn't know it was that hard to find a fucking simple white candle! The closest I found was a coconut scented candle.

 This is my design, very personal as you can see!

 Too short, I burnt my fingers... 

Et voilà!

 It actually works pretty well! I think it would be hard to fail at this one. If I can find regular white candles, I will make more, but with a better design! (Yes I did it at work, don't judge me!)

Thank you Sonja!!

15 commentaires:

  1. Yay! Glad it worked :) I really do want to try this one someday...

  2. Those are amazeballs! Excellent work!

  3. Gah! So cute!!! Your pin came out much better than mine, I need to make some pervy candles as party favors now!

  4. Those look so good! I have been wanting to try this one, but I was always afraid that it would be much harder than it looks.

  5. NICE work.

    And I appluad arts and crafts and/or blogging at work

    1. Thank you! The hair-dryer sound was hard to hide but I did it!

  6. Perfect idea for putting on that candle!

  7. I've often blogged at work, but never crafted. Props to you! You're an inspiration to cubicle-dwellers everywhere. 8}

    1. Fortunately I was alone at work that day, and bored as hell, it helped a lot!

  8. This looks great!! I was super skeptical about this one, but now I'll have to give this a go :)

  9. I think I just found our christmas gifts! I'm glad this was a " for real" pin for more than just Sonja!

  10. Thanks everybody, I'm glad you enjoyed! And if I can add something, when you will choose your candle, make sure you like the scent. I have coconut smell all over my living room now! WITHOUT burning it! :D
